Steve G Jones – Basic Past Life Regression Hypnosis Certification Course – Dubois Banne
Certification Online multiple method-Choice Exam and Essay
Sample Certificate: Click Here to view a sample certificate.
This is the 100% online professional Certification This book will give you the tools to help others fulfill their natural desire to heal themselves Past…
Advanced Knowledge of HypnosisTherapy, psychology, and therapy are not required! This Is How You Can Get PLR Hypnosis And Discover…
How to overcome the apprehension subjects will have before PLR and develop a clear path toward helping your clients understand the process using concepts from their own cosmology…
How to explain PLR in scientific terms to your clients and help them enter the experience without the mystical and magical trepidations that many patients bring into the PLR therapeutic process…
How to approach PLR through the lens of emotions, experiences, and memories. How to help clients embrace those memories that will erase their present-day difficulties…
How to find your role in the therapeutic process so that you understand how to appropriately react to emotions you’ll uncover in your patient’s past life and how to direct those reactions toward a positive outcome…
How to specifically address and begin to uncover the meaning behind your subject’s experiences and why you need to understand all of the misconceptions behind both hypnosis and past life regression before you begin to practice…
How to handle client misconceptions, dishonesty, and negative expectations and the reasons why most untrained PLR Hypnotists fail to create change for their subjects…
How to create a bridge between past and present lives while learning the insights gained from decades of experience performing hypnosis on clients that you won’t find with any other professional training program…
How to set up and execute a hypnotic Induction that works. Past Life Regression and how to achieve the necessary trance level (alpha state) that you need to maintain client response while building a bridge to past live experience…
How to build or follow your pre-talk and hypnotic induction sequences that are guaranteed to help your clients feel at ease, understanding, and ready to experience PLR therapy…
How to create an ending script to end your PLR hypnotic sessions and the considerations you need to take to create a positive experience for your clients…
20 Learning Modules show you how to induce the right hypnotic state. They also guide clients to visualise, feel, interpret, and explain. Past Life Experiences
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Learn As A Student In This Online Certification Course:
Here are 4 key misconceptions Past Life Regression and the initial considerations you need to make before ever even thinking about using this method for yourself or practice (see Module #3 for more info)…
A complete and unbiased look at life from the point of view of reincarnation and why PLR techniques don’t have to be about religion to be effective at uncovering lessons from repressed past life experiences (see pp.14-15 of the Workbook)…
This is why only a few people visit hypnotists with optimistic expectations. How to approach your role of expert decision-maker and opinion maker who will determine the therapeutic experience (see pp. 22-23 of the Workbook)…
3 Major Questions that you need to answer correctly before you ever start a session with a client (be sure to check out these three questions in Module #4 or risk NEVER having an effective PLR hypnosis session)…
Find out the real reason “knowledge can set you free” and understand the vital linkage between knowledge, experiences from past lives, and the liberation of mental and emotional states(this is the foundation for Module #5)…
The specific imaginative types (there are three) that you’ll find in a clinical setting and how to interpret the output from each of these subject types. You might misinterpret or mix signals without this Module #6 knowledge
The one mistake you cannot make is not recognizing signs that clients may need medication or other mental support to manage stress and experiences.-Clarifying techniques (pp. 44-46 pages of the Workbook
A pre-You can use the talk outline as a guideline or you can create your own. This will allow for clients to follow along and have a complete discussion about the importance of pre-Talk in a therapeutic environment (see Module #8)
6 Hypnotic induction techniques that can induce a trance state-Describe how you can help your clients connect the past and present life experiences.
4 Past Life Regression Script techniques that you can’t overlook (especially if you are using a script from another professional) and The 7 Framework Pillars that guide an adequate PLR script (also see the sample script on Workbook pp. 73-76)
Target outcome planning for waking/ending sessions and the 9 target outcomes for ending scripts that you can’t avoid or miss. Keep in mind that without these 9 outcomes everything that you’ve accomplished can be undone (see Module #11)
12 components of a pre-basement-talk script and the considerations you should make before introducing a client to the powerful past life experiences that may transform their therapeutic session with you (Modules #12 & #13)
Here’s a complete list of 23 questions that you could ask to help draw out memories, not create visions that may cloud your client’s experience. These questions are crucial parts of the training process (Module #16).
PLR Hypnosis is a superior technique to other techniques. Learn more about the advantages and how to use it during your sessions.
And much, much more!
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