Sean Michael Andrews – Instant and Rapid Inductions (2nd edition)
Yay! Finally, we can get rid of those long! and Inductions of progressive muscle relaxation that are boring! Sean Michael Andrew Instant and Rapid Inductions He has been a permanent fixture in my hypnosis treasure chest. You can all benefit from his videos, no matter how much hypnosis experience you have, from amateur hypnotists to more experienced veterans. and These instant inductions are easy to learn and You can deepen your knowledge. This set contains 3 DVDs that are great value. They contain expert information which I was able really to benefit from. Sean Teaching is grounded and real-world. and It is easy to grasp. It’s so fun to watch that I found myself nodding along with the others. and His laughter was infectious. The majority of videos of hypnosis trainings I’ve seen have the instructor sitting in front a whiteboard teaching to bored students. (Thankfully, this is not true! Sean He is so real, I was immediately engaged to him when I began watching and I found it hard to stop wanting more after the event was over. Sean The video cuts from him in a classroom setting to an office setting to his out in the real world, performing these techniques on complete strangers in a park. The video has enough close-up shots to allow you to see what he does. The Ambiguous Touch was a great example of this. It gave me a better understanding of the technique. This is another reason these videos stand out from other less-sensible ones. and Teaching style. Only endorse products that I believe in. and I can stake my reputation on and I feel so confident in the value Sean I recommend them wholeheartedly. and This product is recommended to anyone looking to increase their hypnotic skills. The World’s Fastest Hypnotist will show you how it works! – –Stephanie C. Conkle C.Ht.
Your new DVD 3 set just arrived. Instant and Rapid Inductions. It is my pleasure to recommend this product. It is a blessing to have had the opportunity to discover the undisputed, mind-blowing techniques you use in your training. and Now, that same quality can also be found in your products. Your incredible talent and skills are a blessing for us, Hypnotists. and You enrich us all with your teachings. I recommend it highly Sean Michael Andrews Training and products… As I watched the DVD s I was impressed with the fact that each Induction is explained thoroughly with precise wording techniques and many examples… I love this… also found that it appeals to any person, whether they are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. Number 3 is the best. This disc explains everything a Hypnotist, regardless of whether they are primarily earning their income from stage or clinical, will need to know during their career. Congratulations Sean hard to believe but you topped your former products…. You will be referring back to this DVD set again and again, a must have – go get these DVDs –Kenda Summers C.H. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sean Michael Andrews It’s back! You know that I reviewed Hypnosis products if you have been following my blog for a while. Sean It was the first DVD that was ever released. I’ve seen many trainings. and It was an excellent source of content. Instant and Rapid Inductions. I still recommend it to my students who are interested in learning more about hypnosis. When I say an update I really mean more like….Sean Michael Andrew started from scratch and Rebuilding this project from the ground up. In reality…..this is a completely new training program, not just an upgrade. This program features completely new material that comes from many settings, including classroom and office. and street. So you get to not only see but also experience. Sean perform all his induc –Joshua Houghton C.H.
Your new DVD 3 set just arrived. Instant and Rapid Inductions. It is my pleasure to recommend this product. It is a blessing to have had the opportunity to discover the undisputed, mind-blowing techniques you use in your training. and Now, that same quality can also be found in your products. Your incredible talent and skills are a blessing for us, Hypnotists. and You enrich us all with your teachings. I recommend it highly Sean Michael Andrews Training and products… As I watched the DVD s I was impressed with the fact that each Induction is explained thoroughly with precise wording techniques and many examples… I love this… also found that it appeals to any person, whether they are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. Number 3 is priceless. This disc explains everything a Hypnotist, regardless of whether they are primarily earning their income from stage or clinical, will need to know during their career. Congratulations Sean hard to believe but you topped your former products…. You will be referring back to this DVD set again and again, a must have – go get these DVDs –Kenda Summers C.H. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sean Michael Andrews It’s back! You know that I reviewed Hypnosis products if you have been following my blog for a while. Sean It was the first DVD that was ever released. I’ve seen many trainings. and It was one the most informative and interesting articles I have seen. Instant and Rapid Inductions. It is still a valuable resource that I recommend to anyone who is interested in learning hypnosis. When I say an update I really mean more like….Sean Michael Andrew started from scratch and Rebuilding this project from the ground up. In reality…..this is a completely new training program, not just an upgrade. This program features completely new material that comes from many settings, including classroom and office. and street. So you get to not only see but also experience. Sean All his inductions must be performed and Techniques in a classroom setting, but you also have the opportunity to see him use them on the streets. and His office.
The first project was from Sean The entire film was shot in a classroom, so that you could only see the highlights. Sean At work in that setting, but the second edition is not for you. This project is for you if street hypnosis is your thing. There are tons of examples that can be seen live on the streets. If you prefer the traditional office approach, Sean There are many other examples available. and There are many classroom examples that he has. Additionally, Sean You will also find step-by step instructions in each of the environments. It is easy to see how his approach changes with different environments. The second edition has three DVDs, instead of the original two. You will get more content. and Training won’t feel as rushed or hurried as with the first edition. As I have already mentioned, training will not feel as rushed. Sean Decided to keep this version open. and free. It also contains clips from various locations throughout the United States and Canada. Wow! Sean His little classroom project has been a huge step forward. It is now possible to say Sean An international man of mystery (okay! bad joke! I suppose being funny is not in my future lol. Instant & Rapid Inductions Second Edition Production: What I love about Sean He is never satisfied. He is always striving to improve. and Every project should be improved. Follow his other projects, such as Amazing Inductions, Deepening the Trance, Inducing The Tension and You know of others who think the production is getting better and better. I can recall talking to Sean A few months ago and He told me something that I have been telling people for years. Find someone who is if you aren’t good at it. and Then, do only the things you’re great at. This is great advice and Sean His advice was invaluable when he connected with him. and Dale Garner was hired. Dale Garner has a gift for editing and production. and directing. He has worked for VH1, MTV. and Other credible television and movie projects. From the moment he began to work with Sean There was an immediate improvement of sound quality. and design. They’ve improved with each project. But how about the second? Instant and Rapid Inductions Second Edition could be Dale’s greatest work. When you insert the DVDs into your DVD player, you will be blown away by the professional menu. It almost looks like you’d see it through 3D glasses. The intro is amazing and far better than any other project. Dale makes Sean You will look like a rockstar. Amazing video quality and Even the clips are included. Sean Is doing street hypnosis seem crystal clear. The sound is amazing and You can do anything Sean He can say it even in the midst of a large crowd. I think this is his best work yet. Even the cover artwork is an improvement. Sean This really shows what DVDs are about. Instant and Rapid Inductions. If you re s –Joshua Houghton C.H.
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