Hal and Sidra Stone – Voice Dialogue Series [8 CDs – 31MP3s]
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The Voice Dialogue Video/Audio Series
Dr. Hal Stone & Dr. Sidra Stone are 2 brilliant American PhD’s in Psychology who between them, have spent over 70 years understanding how relationships & human transformation works. Their system is called Voice Dialogue and has many wonderful benefits:
• Discover the many parts or “selves” that make up your personality. Learn how they influence your relationships, self-confidence, career & creativity.
• Grow closer in your personal relationships and marriage
• Attract the right person to have a relationship with
• Increase intimacy, experience real love and increase the heart connection with your partner
• Uncover the real reasons why so many relationships go into a downward spiral and what to do about this
• Understand why you may draw the same types of people again & again into your life, and what to do about it
• Become very attractive, as well as growing into a more whole & balanced person
• Learn about the power of your mind over your health
• Crack the code of your own dreams, and see how they can become a teacher for you
• Discover a powerful & unique self development technique that can deepen your relationships, communication abilities, & each aspect of your life
Commenter Avatar 11mameme
Hi there, does purchasing include the option to download the videos on to PC or just watch online (streaming)? Thanks for your help. Best wishes
8 months ago REPLYFLAGLIKE (0)
Commenter Avatar Voice Dialogue Series
Hi, it includes both download onto a PC and also streaming online,
Kind Regards,
Dr John Coroneos
8 months ago REPLYFLAGLIKE (0)
Commenter Avatar Martha Schlemmer
I tried to purchase the electronic Dialogue series for $147. I entered my discover card info and pressed buy. Nothing happened . I am afraid to redo the process so that it would not duplicate. There is no checkout box to follow what is in the inbox. Can you give me some instruction on how to order this product.
Martha Schlemmer
[email protected]
9 months ago REPLYFLAGLIKE (0)
Commenter Avatar Voice Dialogue Series
Hi Martha,
I haven’t received an order from you, so you can try again and it will not be duplicated. I have also emailed Reelhouse, so they can help you if required…have they contacted you ?
Kind Regards,
Dr John Coroneos
9 months ago REPLYFLAGLIKE (0)
Commenter Avatar Susi Graf
This video series is a fantastic tool for those of us who were privileged to learn Voice Dialogue in a personal setting and also for those who are new to Voice Dialogue and didn’t have a chance to attend the trainings in person. There are so many teachings around and it’s hard to know what’s what. This series is for people who are serious and don’t shy away from an in depth confrontation with all the conflicting and confusing voices that all of us have.
I consider myself the interested public, I’m an artist with an interest in Jungian psychology. I was able to attend many seminars and retreats at the Jung Institute here in New York City and I learned as much as I could about Quantum Physics and how it relates to our perceptions, particularly I’m interested in David Bohm’s findings. I appreciate the Shift network where I took extensive online courses with Stan Grof and I am immersed in Carolyn Myss online courses and have taken trainings at Omega and Kripalu as well as many other popular teachers everyone knows so I don’t even mention it here.
What I learned with Voice Dialogue has truly changed my life. Voice Dialogue takes a while to learn and requires courage and determination. I am grateful that this video series makes it possible to deepen my knowledge. I will use it for balancing purposes, those archetypes are forever fighting for dominance and now it’s more important than ever to discern those voices inside.
There is not much wisdom to be found in America’s leadership. This video series is an opportunity to cut the fog and take charge of what’s really running us underneath the surface. Unlike the leaders in present America we are not doomed to be whiny, retarded babies. We can learn to control our archetypes and balance our lives and our environment.
Spread the word!
11 months ago REPLYFLAGLIKE (1)
Commenter Avatar Voice Dialogue Series
Hi Susi,
Thanks for your order, and it was a very pleasant surprise to read your message…thankyou for taking the time to do that. Spreading the word about Hal & Sidra’s great work has been the reason I originally produced the series, and it’s nice to know many people like yourself share similar sentiments.
It’s totally up to you, however I was actually so inspired by your message that I thought of asking your permission to use some of it as a testimonial on the Voice Dialogue website to inspire others ?
Warm wishes,
Dr John Coroneos
11 months ago REPLYFLAGLIKE (1)
Commenter Avatar Susi Graf
Of course, dear Dr. John, I’m happy to write more as well. I know my comment sounds judgemental, the jab about the baby, however times require honesty. Voice Dialogue has made me aware that I am judging and I have to wrestle with that like everybody else. An uphill battle! If humans have enough time is another matter….
Thank you for your great effort, as a filmmaker I know how much work all of this is and how hard the marketing is. I want to chip in because I have received many gifts from Voice Dialogue and unfortunately here in New York it’s hardly present and it would be important to change that.
There is a hunger out there. I would love to see young people embrace Voice Dialogue, perhaps make demo videos with young folks?
Just a thought.
Let me know how I can help.
Greetings from Brooklyn,
11 months ago REPLYFLAGLIKE (0)
Commenter Avatar Voice Dialogue Series
Hi Susi,
Thanks very much for your help. I agree, it would be wonderful for young people to embrace the Voice Dialogue knowledge…I’ll keep your demo suggestion in mind.
Also if it were to go mainstream in educational colleges/universities, especially courses like psychology, counselling, holistic health, even medicine…
Warm wishes,
11 months ago REPLYFLAGLIKE (0)
Commenter Avatar Susi Graf
Dear John,
I often think about how this could be accomplished. If you are ever in New York let’s talk about it! With the digital revolution everything is possible and there is dire need in the world for standing between the opposites.
It can be done!
10 months ago REPLYFLAGLIKE (0)
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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