Fight Smart – The Head Movement Training Program
This simple system
will make you practically un-hittable.
Other fighters will be dumbfounded
The shameful neglect of head movement in most martial arts will give you an amazing edge on other people you might face. Other fighters will have crappy defense, and they will freeze as soon as they stop landing punches and start getting smacked in the head. You will quickly become one of the best fighters at your gym.
Dodge and then Counterpunch… it’s a great way to win.
Not only does dodging punches leave your face intact, when you make your opponent miss, he is left off-balance and vulnerable. This is the perfect time to knock him out… if you know how to do it. On top of your head movement, the counter punching techniques that I teach will allow you to win fights within seconds.
Confidence is powerful… in more ways then one
People can sense confidence. When you learn this type of defensive movement, it can completely change your attitude. Confidence in your defensive skill will change the way that you carry yourself. Fewer people will want to fight you… and girls seem to like it ?
Get into shape!
Nothing is more useless than running on a treadmill. If you’re going to exercise and get into shape, you might as well build a powerful fighting skill. The workouts and drills in my training system will drastically improve your physique, and give you some solid abs.
Be impressive.
Winning fights is cool, but being un-punchable is amazing. If you dodge even a small handful of punches and then win a fight, it will be considered a ‘legendary’ event… and people will tell tales of your awesomeness. (I’m not even kidding.)
Deciding not to learn this skill could be most unfortunate…
Getting knocked unconscious is really, really, realllllly bad
When your sleeping body finally hits the ground and your head spikes off of the pavement, it tends to leave a mark. It’s hard to defend yourself from head-stomps when you have no control of your body…
Losing a fight can be humiliating
Losing a fight can be really embarrassing… depending on the fight (and who you’re fighting). There’s often a lot at stake from a personal level, and people see you get your butt kicked tend to remember it. It’s a crappy impression to leave on someone, and it can cost you some respect.
Backing down from a fight is more humiliating than losing
If you don’t know how to truly defend yourself, you’re more likely to wimp out (even if you’re a trained martial artist). The only thing more humiliating than losing a fight is showing people that you didn’t have enough courage to fight at all. When you know that your opponent probably won’t lay a finger on you, it makes it a lot easier to step up to a challenge.
The Head Movement Training Program
will teach you how to instinctively dodge every punch.
in a few weeks… if you work at it.
I’ve developed a training program which will quickly teach you everything you need to know about the art of head movement and counter-punching. It’s a condensed version of years of my defensive boxing and MMA training.I’ve created more than 50 instructional videos, written workouts, and other unique training tools that will help you learn every technique, every concept, and every movement necessary to make every punch miss.
If you go through this course, these movements will be embedded into your muscle memory, and you will be able to execute them at any moment’s notice… without having to ‘think about it’. Accomplish this, and you will win every fight that you face.
Here’s a breakdown of the program:
The Bob and Weave game consists of a small handful of slips. Do them the right way, and punches will miss. If you do them the wrong way, your head might get clobbered, you fall off balance, and you waste all of your energy.The first thing we need to do is build the right technique, so you have a solid foundation.
Part 2. – Movement, Angles, and Positioning
Standing in one place and slipping will not work. The bob and weave game is just as much about footwork as it is about head movement. You will learn the best ways to position yourself and move to keep you safe (which will also leave you ready to counter attack.)
Part 3. – Drills and Equipment
Head movement requires some control over your body, and the basic drills in this program will help you to build it (without needing a gym). A couple of incredibly cheap pieces of equipment (like a rope) can help you to drastically improve your defense. We will highlight the best drills and equipment for building the skills you need.
People ask me all of the time, “How do you know what punch the guy is going to throw?” and “How do you know which slip to use?” People struggle to grasp how they can “read” their opponent in a split second. This program answers such questions in detail and gives you the simple secrets behind reading your opponent, and reacting with the ‘right’ movement.
Part 5. – Workouts and Training
Throughout the entire Head Movement Training Program, I provide you with workouts to reinforce the skills that you learn. Knowledge is power, but knowledge and practice is diabolical. These workouts are constructed from my extensive knowledge of exercise physiology/kinesiology, and countless hours of fight training. They are designed to embed these moves into your muscle memory so that when the time comes, your body moves instinctively… without ‘thinking’. Additionally, these workouts will also get you into phenomenal shape.
Part 6. – Keeping Distance
At this point in the course, you will have more than enough head movement skill to dodge punches, now you will need to learn how to keep the guy away from you! More space equals more time to read your opponent’s strikes, and more time to react. I’ll give you the best ways to knock your opponent back and keep him back, so you can have the distance that you need to bob and weave effectively.
Part 7. – Counter Punching and Destroying Your Opponent
Look, head movement is nice and dodging punches is cool.. but, we need to be able to finish fights. One of the best times to crush your opponent is right after he misses a strike, and you will learn the absolute best ways to do this.
Additionally, one of the best ways to attack your opponent is by adding head movement to your strikes! You will become hard to hit while you’re attacking… that is a recipe for dishing out damage, and not taking any.
By learning how to add crushing attacks to your defensive (and offensive) slips, you will make yourself a very dangerous fighter.
“Learning this on your own could honestly take years,
and cost you literally thousands of dollars.”
Think about it: one single year at an MMA school (at $15o/month) costs $1,800 dollars… and to be perfectly honest, there is no way that they would show you this stuff in your first year (IF your school even teaches head movement.)If it takes you 3 years, your total is up to $5,400…
You can hire a private trainer (if you can find one), but a good one will cost $100/hour. Train every day for 3 weeks and you’ll pay $2,100. Even a cheap and crappy trainer for half the price still leaves you paying over $1,000.
You can build all of the skills we’ve been talking about for a fraction of the price (in less than a month) and you can do it in the privacy of your own home.
- You don’t need to go to a gym
- You don’t need a training partner
- You don’t need any equipment
Watch the videos, do the workouts (if you have time), and you will become incredibly difficult to hit… or I’ll actually give your money back.
Delivery Method
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> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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